These three videos are similar, but each has some options or details that they emphasize that the others don’t.
In the first, watch the feet. I think this video emphasizes the feet better than the next two. Also, the third variation, the “re-roll” is not addressed in the others:
In the second video, he addresses the elbows. Control is not about pulling the hands of the seatbelt in, but rather closing the elbows. He’s also more deliberate about the leg positioning and roll direction:
This third video offers a less dramatic recovery. Rather than rolling entirely to the other side, scooting to recover the hooks. The leg curl at the beginning of the recovery is a neat detail. There’s a good reminder about not holding on to a crappy position as it slips away. You gotta move. The new leg position in the second part is cool too. Danaher ranked that leg position 2nd to the body triangle in his order of preferences. The body triangle isn’t always physically possible depending on your leg length and opponent’s gut. This leg position is more widely attainable.