
If you’re living the Half Guard LIfe and would like your attire to reflect it, I’m happy to help. I’m not in the apparel business. I don’t make any money from this. Like Jiu Jitsu itself, it’s just for my own amusement. For regular street clothes, there are a lot of options on https://sunshineandtacos.com. If you like the clothing item but feel that the logo needs to be placed differently or altered in some way, let me know and I can adjust. Most of the logo placements were automatically done by Spreadshirt when I uploaded the logos.

Unfortunately, Spreadshirt doesn’t offer rash guards and shorts conducive to grappling. They’ve added things over time, so maybe that will change. For now, I have used https://www.xmartial.com/ to order custom grappling gear. It has all turned out well. Rather than playing middle-man for xmartial orders, I am including the logo image files that I have. You are welcome to order your own custom gear with them. It would be pretty uncool for you to start selling Half Guard Life merch to other people for profit, but if you also do this for your own amusement, you’re welcome to use them as you wish.

When you view them on the page below, any images with a grey background are actually a transparent background. The grey is part of the WordPress display so the black designs don’t disappear against the normal black background of this site. The images with white backgrounds include the white in the image and would print white around the design.