If you take nothing else away from this post, take this: when we’re doing jiu jitsu with gis on, prefer gi strangles to naked strangles. Collars are easier to get under the chin than arms are and using the collar permits you to apply more force from additional muscle groups to get the finish. In the video below, Danaher explains this principle and introduces the submissions that deserve your training attention:
It’s worth going through the entire video at least once, but if you want to revisit a specific part, here are the timestamps:
0:44 – Difference between strangles and chokes
5:26 – Gi Properties
9:30 – Utilizing entire body in Gi Strangles
13:31 – Turning Lapel in Rear Strangles
16:25 – Most High Percentage Gi Strangles (3 Most Important)
17:22 – Sliding Collar Strangle (Rear Strangles)
19:05 – Cross Collar Strangle
21:07 – Ezekial Strangle
24:17 – Review + Closing thoughts